Hey there readers!
I can tell you one thing. I for one don’t have Paraskavedekatriaphobia.
Do you know what that is?
It’s a fear of Friday the 13th. Seriously!
According to wikipedia.com:
“In numerology, the number twelve is considered the number of
completeness, as reflected in the twelve months of the year, twelve
recognized signs of the zodiac, the twelve tribes of Israel, the
twelve Apostles of Jesus, etc., whereas the number thirteen was
considered irregular, transgressing this completeness. There is
also a superstition, thought by some to derive from the Last
Supper, that having thirteen people seated at a table will result
in the death of one of the diners.”
If you wanna read the rest of this wikipedia entry, goto:
Even back in the day, I used to be afraid of this day. I used to grab my lucky rabbit’s foot, search for 4-leaf clovers, and I wouldn’t dare do anything, except go to school, and do my chores.
And then, I’d blame my bad grades on Friday the 13th, too.
But today, I have finally put that superstition to rest…and for good reason.
Today is my son’s first birthday - on Friday the 13th. Crazy, huh?
So, to see him grow up over the past year since I first held him in the hospital, into the bold, young boy that he is…I see this day as a blessing rather than a hindrance.
Me & Timmy III in the hospital less than 24 hours old.
I mean, one year ago, I see him barely being able to open his eyes, only sucking on a bottle, depending on us for ultimate survival.
Now, I see him walking, running, feeding himself, finally saying some words like “mama”, “dada”, “baba” (bottle) and my favorite “NO”. He plays with his older sister, and even throws things at her (in retaliation I guess - she used to give him hell).
So, to see my little man grow up into a well-developed 1-year old…it makes me throw out this silly belief that today is a horrible day for all.
We only make Friday the 13th as bad as we want it to be with our negative thinking. Negativity in your mind will make you view every aspect of your life and current events as negative.
Whereas, if you keep positive, you’ll see everything around you in a positive light, and you’ll lead a more substantial happy life…trust me.
Besides…the weather is beautiful here today. Sunny, but not hot… my kids are actually being good for a change, my business is still making money, and everyone in my house has been in a good mood (which is rare here LOL)
So, you can believe what you want about Friday the 13th…but my little boy turned 1 today…so it can’t be that bad after all.
Happy birthday, my son!
Love, Daddy!